Hedu Site on Laptop


Health.edu was an early adopter of providing quality professional continuing education for healthcare professionals in a “virtual” setting. In fact, as early as 1987 we were sending accredited programming via satellite to rural Texas facilities.  In early 1999, we were one of the first to deliver CE programs via the internet.  Health.edu now produces more than 200 hours of educational programming in multiple accredited disciplines and regulatory training.

Hedu Site on Laptop
Medical Staff

Who We Serve

We proudly provide quality education to thousands of healthcare professionals who are on the front line of facilities across America. Current facilities range in all sizes from rural, critical access hospitals to members of large systems. Our current customers count on us to provide the adult learner what they need to know – when they need to know it. Our programs address current topics and we work diligently to respond to the education and training needs in this ever-changing industry.
  • Health Systems/Hospitals
  • Physician Offices
  • EMS/Emergency Care Centers
  • Post-Acute Care Facilities
Woman on laptop

Subject Matter Experts

We are fortunate to enlist the services of trained experts to develop and deliver our content. Many of our presenters are highly acclaimed in their fields and work to develop content for continued learning of healthcare professionals beyond their normal audiences. Faculty members and researchers frequently deliver content which challenges the learner and provides practical knowledge to enhance care for better patient outcomes.